min read
May 8, 2024

Doggy Daycare: How to choose the best one for your dog

If you want your dog to live the best life possible, it's absolutely essential that they're socialised with other dogs. Sending them to doggy daycare is an excellent way to foster those social skills - but it can feel a little overwhelming trying to find the right one for your pup. 

There are many options available for dog owners when it comes to choosing a facility for your pup. Your decision will depend on your budget and the type of experience that you want for your canine companion.

To help guide you through this process (and make sure your dog has a great time when he/she's away from home), we're going to take an honest look at everything from what makes up good doggy daycare facilities to questions you should ask before enrolling your pooch in one:

What to look for in a doggy daycare facility

When it comes to choosing a daycare facility for your dog, it can be tough to know what to look for. Luckily, we've got you covered!

If you're looking for a place that's going to give your dog the best care possible while they're away from home, make sure you're checking all of these boxes before making a decision!

-First and foremost, is the place clean? If the facility isn't clean, then you should probably keep looking. You don't want your pup to get sick from germs or bacteria that could be lingering around.

-Next, is there enough space for your dog to run around? If not, then they might get bored and destructive while they're stuck in one area without any way to release their energy.

-Is there good ventilation? Lots of windows and doors or a fresh-air exchange system are a must—you want fresh air flowing through the room so that your dog can always be breathing in fresh air when they're playing inside.

-You also want a facility with solid fencing and well-gated areas: A tall, secure fence is essential for any daycare centre to keep dogs contained.

-The flooring at your dog's daycare should be safe and non-toxic, and ideally non-porous. That means no carpet or padding that could harbor bacteria or other contaminants.

-Finally, to ensure you're picking the right doggy daycare facility, check out what other people have had to say about it, and read reviews by other customers.

What to ask 

When you're on the hunt for the best doggy daycare, you might be wondering what to ask when visiting.

Here are some questions that will help you determine if the daycare is the one for you:

1. Ask about their staff training. Staff members should have some kind of certification from an accredited facility—this can be in dog training or animal care and safety. 

2. Ask about the staff-to-dog ratio. You want at least one staff member for every 15-20 dogs in the facility. This helps ensure that everyone has enough attention and socialisation time throughout the day.

3. Make Sure They Have a Plan for Emergency Medical Care. You want to know that if something happens, your pup will be taken care of as soon as possible! So make sure that there is a plan in place in case anything goes wrong. That includes having all necessary medical equipment on hand, as well as someone who is trained to use it in an emergency situation. 

4. Ask if they group dogs appropriately by size, age, and temperament. Dogs need to be with other dogs who are similar to them in these ways so that they don't get overwhelmed or bullied by larger or more aggressive animals.

5. Ask about a trial or temperament test; this will tell you how well-suited your dog is for this particular environment and whether or not he would be happy there long term (or at all). If the trial period doesn't work out, then it's good that you found out before committing.

6. Ask about their schedule. Dogs thrive on routine and predictability, so it's important that doggy daycares have a set schedule that dogs can count on. If you're concerned about your dog's safety or behavior, ask if the daycare has a way to check in with you throughout the day.

7. Finally, you'll want to ask about any additional fees or "extras" that might be added to your bill at the end of the month. Are they providing meals? Sometimes daycares charge extra for food and/or treats, so make sure you're not surprised if this is the case. 

The bottom line is: don't be afraid to ask a lot of questions when it comes to your pooch's daycare. You care about them, and any good doggy daycare should understand this and want to provide the best possible experience for your pet.

We hope this blog has given you some insights into what to look for when choosing the best daycare for your dog.

If you live in the Inverness area, be sure to get in touch and check out our facility, Playful Paws.

We're always happy to answer any questions you might have about how we operate and how we can make your dog's daycare experience the best it can be!

Doggy Daycare: How to choose the best one for your dog

We're going to take an honest look at everything from what makes up good doggy daycare facilities to questions you should ask before enrolling

 min read
September 23, 2022
We're going to take an honest look at everything from what makes up good doggy daycare facilities to questions you should ask before enrolling

If you want your dog to live the best life possible, it's absolutely essential that they're socialised with other dogs. Sending them to doggy daycare is an excellent way to foster those social skills - but it can feel a little overwhelming trying to find the right one for your pup. 

There are many options available for dog owners when it comes to choosing a facility for your pup. Your decision will depend on your budget and the type of experience that you want for your canine companion.

To help guide you through this process (and make sure your dog has a great time when he/she's away from home), we're going to take an honest look at everything from what makes up good doggy daycare facilities to questions you should ask before enrolling your pooch in one:

What to look for in a doggy daycare facility

When it comes to choosing a daycare facility for your dog, it can be tough to know what to look for. Luckily, we've got you covered!

If you're looking for a place that's going to give your dog the best care possible while they're away from home, make sure you're checking all of these boxes before making a decision!

-First and foremost, is the place clean? If the facility isn't clean, then you should probably keep looking. You don't want your pup to get sick from germs or bacteria that could be lingering around.

-Next, is there enough space for your dog to run around? If not, then they might get bored and destructive while they're stuck in one area without any way to release their energy.

-Is there good ventilation? Lots of windows and doors or a fresh-air exchange system are a must—you want fresh air flowing through the room so that your dog can always be breathing in fresh air when they're playing inside.

-You also want a facility with solid fencing and well-gated areas: A tall, secure fence is essential for any daycare centre to keep dogs contained.

-The flooring at your dog's daycare should be safe and non-toxic, and ideally non-porous. That means no carpet or padding that could harbor bacteria or other contaminants.

-Finally, to ensure you're picking the right doggy daycare facility, check out what other people have had to say about it, and read reviews by other customers.

What to ask 

When you're on the hunt for the best doggy daycare, you might be wondering what to ask when visiting.

Here are some questions that will help you determine if the daycare is the one for you:

1. Ask about their staff training. Staff members should have some kind of certification from an accredited facility—this can be in dog training or animal care and safety. 

2. Ask about the staff-to-dog ratio. You want at least one staff member for every 15-20 dogs in the facility. This helps ensure that everyone has enough attention and socialisation time throughout the day.

3. Make Sure They Have a Plan for Emergency Medical Care. You want to know that if something happens, your pup will be taken care of as soon as possible! So make sure that there is a plan in place in case anything goes wrong. That includes having all necessary medical equipment on hand, as well as someone who is trained to use it in an emergency situation. 

4. Ask if they group dogs appropriately by size, age, and temperament. Dogs need to be with other dogs who are similar to them in these ways so that they don't get overwhelmed or bullied by larger or more aggressive animals.

5. Ask about a trial or temperament test; this will tell you how well-suited your dog is for this particular environment and whether or not he would be happy there long term (or at all). If the trial period doesn't work out, then it's good that you found out before committing.

6. Ask about their schedule. Dogs thrive on routine and predictability, so it's important that doggy daycares have a set schedule that dogs can count on. If you're concerned about your dog's safety or behavior, ask if the daycare has a way to check in with you throughout the day.

7. Finally, you'll want to ask about any additional fees or "extras" that might be added to your bill at the end of the month. Are they providing meals? Sometimes daycares charge extra for food and/or treats, so make sure you're not surprised if this is the case. 

The bottom line is: don't be afraid to ask a lot of questions when it comes to your pooch's daycare. You care about them, and any good doggy daycare should understand this and want to provide the best possible experience for your pet.

We hope this blog has given you some insights into what to look for when choosing the best daycare for your dog.

If you live in the Inverness area, be sure to get in touch and check out our facility, Playful Paws.

We're always happy to answer any questions you might have about how we operate and how we can make your dog's daycare experience the best it can be!



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